
February 9, 2018(week 2)

Summary of week's activities:
This week we have achieved our goal building the framework of our conditional room. And also, we have tested all the sensors which are ready to use. For the framework of the room, we first cut some hardboard of the walls and the door, and then drill some holes to make it easy for the connection of each sensors and components.

Problems and solutions 
During the practical experiment, we find there is something wrong with the school network, the Raspberry Pi(RPI) can not connect to each sensors. After checking it we find the school network is incompatible with the RPI, so we change the network to the mobile 4G.

The framework is shown as below:

Figure 1. The overview of the RPI
Figure 2. The door of the conditional room

The framework is done and next week we will make the room completed with all the sensors and components.

